5 terrific tools for professional writers
From clever apps to a simple ballpoint and legal pad, these can boost your productivity and help you organize all your flashes of brilliance.
Want to make your writing easier and be more productive?
Check out these five writing tools every writer should have in their toolbox whether they are blogging for businesses, copywriting for websites, writing articles for clients or just doing creative writing:
1. Good old pen and paper
Having trouble wrapping your mind around an idea or concept? Step away from the computer, and welcome the ease and pleasure of putting ideas down on paper. Most any sheet of paper will do, and it’s almost always available when you need to do a quick sketch, create an outline or just doodle until your mind relaxes. Next thing you know, the ideas will start flowing, and you’ll be off and running again, back to your computer.
Another reason to use pen and paper? In meetings with clients or business associates, it’s less distracting than using a laptop or tablet, so you can focus on the people, instead of on the technology.
2. WorkFlowy
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