5 signs you’re not an influential communicator
If your colleagues don’t respond to your messages and balk at speaking up during meetings—or if they often interrupt you—it’s time to make adjustments.
As a leader you often gain respect and can wield influence—but that isn’t always the case.
A staggering number of leaders suffer illusory superiority—thinking they’re much more influential than they really are. In many cases, people aren’t just failing to exert the clout they need to drive change; they could be undermining or even sabotaging their own influence.
Concerned that your messages are missing the mark? Here are five signs your communication efforts are not resonating:
1. Colleagues aren’t acting, responding or following.
When leaders communicate to team members, they’re typically looking for an action or response. The proof of success lies in whether your employees are following your lead.
For example, are they acting on recommendations or advice you’ve given? Are they demonstrating a lack of engagement and productivity, doing minimal work to get by?
You might be communicating what’s required, but if the results aren’t there, the exercise is worthless. You aren’t showing the ability to influence.
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