5 presentation techniques to help you wow the room
Good delivery habits will grab and hold your audience’s attention. Bad ones will distract them and could even undermine your credibility. Here’s what you should—and shouldn’t—do.
Make that a good story well told—because just as important as what you say is how you say it.
Week after week over the summer, I found myself in conference rooms, training centers and auditoriums. In addition to my own turns at the mic, my meeting-heavy schedule gave me ample opportunity to watch good (and not-so-good) presenters in action—and I took notes.
Culled from a seasoned speaker’s notebook, here are five practical ways to deliver a more powerful, more professional presentation.
1. Hold your audience’s attention by holding still.
Don’t pace while you talk. Before you start speaking, stride confidently to a spot where everyone can see and hear you. Plant your feet shoulder-width apart, stand up straight, take a full breath, smile and begin your presentation.
I’m not saying you should never move, but do so with purpose. For example, if you’re setting up two options, deliver the first from one spot, then take a step or two in one direction to deliver the other.
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