4 ways Toms drives consumer success and sales on social media

‘Put yourself in the fans’ shoes,’ says James Chong, the company’s senior manager of social customer engagement. Read on for more insights you can employ in your own online efforts.

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Since 2006, retailer Toms has given shoes, sight and safe water to more than 94 million people around the world.

Their stories of how each customer’s purchase fuels additional gifts is what drives the company’s vision.

Its Facebook page, which has more than 4.2 million fans, boasts posts that contain similar messaging along with new style and product announcements:


The company’s online success is in part due to the careful way they’ve used a mixture of compelling content and paid social media ads to deliver their messages to targeted consumers at a time when social media algorithms can easily bury branded posts.

James Chong, senior manager of social customer engagement for Toms, shares several takeaways for building a successful social media presence and boosting it with online ads, no matter your organization or budget.

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