3 things to tweet that aren’t (directly) about your brand
Got nothing to say? Think again; engaging your followers takes many forms.
Got nothing to say Think again; engaging your followers takes many forms
I was recently asked for ideas on how brands can participate in social media without new product announcements or company news to tout.
It’s a good question that keeps some brands away from social media. But it shouldn’t. Social media is more than a way to distribute news releases.
Here are three ideas to jump-start your tweets.
Loosely related content
Tweet about the big picture/end benefit of your brand or product. Is it: Relief? Joy? Knowledge? Confidence? Health? Bringing people together? Once you’ve identified your end benefit, share anything that delivers that to your audience, even if it’s momentarily.
For example, SunTrust Bank provides tools and tips to make solid, confident financial decisions. The company is starting Facebook and Twitter discussions around everyday ways to Live Solid. If I worked with a baby products brand, I’d spend a little time every day scouring YouTube and other places to find short baby videos and stories that remind parents why they love being parents.
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