3 communication tips for working with telecommuters

Your remote workers have it easy, you might think. Yet the lack of direct interaction—ease of access, on-site collaboration—can foment unease, even confusion. Follow this guidance.

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Managers of remote employees face unique challenges—mostly with regard to communication.

Even those supervisors who prefer to leave workers to their own devices will need status updates, answers to questions and quick turnaround on small projects. When the boss can’t drop by without boarding a plane, communication can become a frustrating game of phone tag.

The State of the American Workplace Report from Gallup found that 43% of Americans now work remotely. Many work remotely only while on the road, but for an increasing number of employees, full-time telecommuting is a way of life. That brings particular challenges.

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Remote employees don’t want special treatment, though. They’re just like everyone else, and they want the same respect, oversight and opportunities afforded their in-office colleagues.

To build solid two-way relationships with remote employees, follow these tips:

1. Hold more meaningful video meetings.

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