12 tips to maintain holiday season productivity
Make lists (and check them twice), delegate crummy tasks, set strict time limits for ancillary jobs, and don’t be a Scrooge.
The holiday season can be hectic and stressful for any professional.
You’ve got to hit (and report on) year-end goals, make travel plans, figure out gifts for everyone and juggle colleagues’ vacation time—not to mention prepping for your own time off.
Here are 12 ways to stay on target and reduce stress amid seasonal distractions:
1. Prioritize tasks, and be decisive.
Take a deep breath and relax. You will get everything done. Of course, you must develop a plan first.
Determine your priorities. Select your most important tasks and events that deserve a place in your calendar. From there, create a schedule—and stick to it. Everything else can either wait until the new year, be delegated or just get scratched from your schedule altogether.
Prioritizing tasks will give you clarity and structure and greatly reduce time spent on distractions or making decisions.
2. Schedule worry time.
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