10 ways to stop procrastinating and get your writing done
And you can’t afford to put off reading this article, either. Well? What are you waiting for?
Is “tomorrow” your middle name? Do you believe that only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday? Are you someone who thinks that the sooner you fall behind, the more time you’ll have to catch up?
Writers are famous for being procrastinators. We never do today what we can put off until tomorrow. Unfortunately, our bosses are far more likely to share the feelings of Benjamin Franklin—you may delay, but time will not—or Edward Young— procrastination is the thief of time.
If you’re a procrastinator—or even just thinking about becoming one—here are 10 tips to help you get your writing finished by deadline:
1. Remember that writing is so much more than simply creating. Before you sit in front of your blank computer screen, be sure you’ve done all of the necessary pre-work. Is all your research complete? Does your research give you enough raw material to write the piece (e.g., do you have enough “color”)? Have you thought about the story you want to write? Make yourself a checklist of all the steps in your writing process, and start by doing the smallest one first.
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