10 types of videos to shoot in 2021

Cumbersome hunks of text are out—visuals are in. Get over your fear and apprehension, and give these engaging pieces a whirl in the new year.

Ragan Insider Premium Content

Many communicators prefer to be over a keyboard than in front of the camera.

2021 is the year to get over that fear and start hitting “record.” Headway Capital has an infographic that lists 10 types of videos every business can try. That means you, fearless corporate communicator!

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Here are some video variations to add to your content mix:

Product spotlight.

Don’t be afraid to tout your products and services. They’re the reason your business exists, right?

Regardless of whether your audience is external or internal, it’s crucial to demonstrate the brass tacks-benefits of your world-changing widgets, so tell a compelling story about why your products rock.

Headway Capital’s infographic offers a reminder to use the classic three-pronged approach to arc your story—setting, conflict and resolution—and a “mood board of audio or visual sources” to complement your masterpiece.

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